A Brief Reflection on Stone Soul
Each quarter, students gather fairy lights, couches, and rugs and bring them into the cafeteria, intent on creating a calm and welcoming environment. The emcees crack a joke or two to break the silence and introduce the first student. Anything from piano to poetry to stand-up comedy is performed. A creative game is next. Who can do the best New York accent? Who can guess the components of the mystery sandwich? Who knows their friend the best? This is a glimpse into a night at Stone Soul, an event unique to the Keystone community, designed to emphasize the talents of individual students and to bring the student body closer together through an appreciation of the arts. Lit Mag reaches out to possible performers, plans the games, brings food, and transforms the cafeteria for this event. It is all worth it to listen to original music and poetry in a non-competitive environment. Students around the school share their opinion on the event:
“It was my first time going to Stone Soul. I got to see different parts of people. Abi Coffey impressed me with her singing. People were a lot more ‘loose’ than they usually are. We could just come and have fun.” – Kaitlin Albarran
“I like how it brings the Keystone community together. It’s a relaxing and fun way to hangout with your friends.” – Mario Nicholas
“I love the diversity in the different acts. Some acts are serious and some are really funny. Also, there are great hosts. It is great that it is hosted and organized by the students.” -Ingrid Mayer and Jack Osterhage

Ella Best is a senior who is passionate about Keystone culture and student life. She serves as the Student Council President and the co-Editor-in-Chief...