Student Spotlight – Ben Feinstein
Writer: Ella Best
Senior Ben Feinstein is a prime example of a “Keystone Student.” His constant determination and commitment has lead to his proudest personal accomplishment of high school: writing a 10,000 word manuscript that he hopes to publish later in life. Ben is also planning a new manuscript right now. Writing is not his only hobby, however. Ben enjoys history, politics, and debate. He is a prominent member of the Model United Nations (MUN) club, and one of his favorite memories from high school was participating in CTMUN during his junior year. He is grateful to have been part of a engaging committee that sparked great debate. Ben is proud to be outspoken, yet respectful, when discussing politics with his peers. He provides a pleasant contrast to the already incredibly diverse Keystone community through his political views. MUN’s sponsor, Dr. Caraway is also the teacher of one of Ben’s favorite classes in high school: AP European History. Through AP European History, along with the many other challenging classes Keystone has to offer, Ben learned how to balance the difficult workload and stay ahead of the game, which he claims to be the most valuable lesson that he has learned in his four years at Keystone, besides listening to and trusting the college counselor, Mrs. Christiansen.
Ben will carry these lessons through the rest of his life, starting with his college years, for he has
already been accepted into Texas A&M University. Ben hopes to go to grad school after college
and pursue a government job, perhaps in the CIA or NSA.

Ella Best is a senior who is passionate about Keystone culture and student life. She serves as the Student Council President and the co-Editor-in-Chief...