Human nature is such that we usually tend to render our actions as “correct.” Fast fashion is no exception. Shoppers are enthralled by the promise of quick, cheap, and fashionable clothes at the tap of a finger. In fact, 88% of clothing consumers in the USA shop fast fashion instead of buying higher quality, environmentally friendly garments. Fashion trends are highly unpredictable, as they are influenced by factors such as social media, celebrity endorsements, marketing, and sales. Following these trends give consumers the power to feel relevant in the fast-footed society of today. However, fast fashion can lead to multiple different environmental crises. Fast fashion is made so that clothes take a short amount of time to produce but then wear off after a couple of wears. Articles of clothing that are manufactured specifically for the fast fashion industry carry many problems that can lead the customer to dispose of them, including being easily worn out, tearable, fade-prone material, and defective due to mass-manufacturing error.
Despite its drawbacks, Fast fashion has risen to one of the top priorities of brands such as H&M, a Swedish fast fashion giant, and to organizations, such as the French Fashion Federation, which host France’s famous Paris Fashion Week. However, some companies market themselves as eco-friendly environment savers, when they are really using marketing tactics to enthrall potential customers. H&M markets itself as eco-friendly by using the following tactic: trading out old, damaged clothing earns a 15% coupon towards a consumer’s next purchase on an article of clothing! H&M’s approach here is to illusion the buyer into thinking that they are getting rid of clothes with a benefit. H&M’s real goal, however, is to make potential customers walk out with even more fast fashion-produced clothes.

Brands are rushing to utilize the technology that allows them to produce clothing faster than ever. Originally, there were two fashion seasons per brand a year. Now, due to massive boosts in manufacturing, resources, and technology, there are 52 micro-seasons dispersed throughout the year. Due to this, brands now produce 400% more articles of clothing than just a fifth of a century ago. The amount of clothing that we are producing is not a big problem alone—it’s what goes into the clothing that makes fast fashion a problem. For every one kilogram of cotton used in clothing, 10,000 liters of freshwater are used to process it. After treating the cotton, the water is untreatable and has to be disposed of. This wastewater contains traces of multiple dangerous elements that pose threats to wildlife and humans alike—arsenic, lead, mercury, and so on. Drinking the wastewater can result in cancer, death, brain damage, anemia, and hallucinations which can lead to suicide. On Earth, there are around 335,000,000 cubic miles of water. Of that water, 2.507% is freshwater. Of that, around ⅓ is drinkable and the rest is solid ice. If companies are constantly transforming our freshwater into undrinkable chemical compounds, the demand for freshwater will skyrocket, accelerating processes of global warming and world hunger.
Another problem with fast fashion is the cheap materials used to produce it. Materials used in fast fashion are often synthetic plastic fibers that cause major CO2 emissions. If these clothes are not disposed of properly, they could end up in the ocean, not degrading for over a century. One such fiber is viscose, a synthetic fabric used extensively in the fashion industry. Its effects on the environment are brutal—it doesn’t decompose for long amounts of time, is unburnable due to large amounts of toxic gasses being released upon the burn of the fabric, and causes environmental damage when created. Fast fashion acts as a catalyst towards the process of making rayon, causing even more destruction.

These problems aren’t just secrets that exist deep below the eyes of the public. Some governments don’t hesitate to share information about their investments in child labor.For example, the Uzbek government forces children as young as 9 years old to skip school to help with the yearly cotton harvest. During this time period, the children live in cramped barracks with no heating or insulation and often receive no pay. If children don’t pick a satisfactory amount of cotton, they’re often threatened by the school boards with either expulsion or bad grades.
Overall, fast fashion hurts the environment and people alike. The diverse effects of the production of fast fashion are nothing to be overlooked, and one day might affect the environment– and we won’t be able to fix it.